Browsing All posts tagged under »public relations«

Hospitable marketing: a social media insight I’ve got from Hospitality Marketing CRM

May 13, 2009


Hello! How are you? Have you felt pleasure and fun these days? While reading? While working? While learning how to become a better person? Doing all this together? Being served? Being cared about? Being part? Of the state of the art? I believe the “world wide web of people in conversation through positively sharing ideas” […]

Comunicando valor com o grafo social

March 11, 2009


Escrevi este texto inspirado pelo categórico "Micro Interactions in PR" (micro-interações em RP): um post da Valeria Maltoni, "a", sobre a eventual "confusão" que acontece quando aplicamos propaganda, marketing, relações públicas e gestão de marcas nas mídias sociais.